BGR Analyzes Jefferson Parish Property Tax Renewals

OCT 24, 2018 • BUREAU OF GOVERNMENTAL RESEARCH MEDIA RELEASE OVERVIEW Today BGR releases three reports on Jefferson Parish tax renewals for drainage works, juvenile services, and animal shelter and health services that voters will consider on November 6, 2018. If...

Avondale Shipyard Coming Back; over 2,000 Jobs Projected

Avondale Marine LLC, a joint venture between Virginia-based T. Parker Host and Illinois-based Hilco Redevelopment Partners, has finalized the purchase of the 250-acre Avondale Shipyard property from Huntington Ingalls Industries.  This marks a critical step towards...

Bringing life back to Avondale site is vital to the region: Letter

By Letters to the Editor, The Times-Picayune On Feb. 3, 2014, the newly constructed USS Somerset, a San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock of the United States Navy, left Avondale Shipyard to great media fanfare and bittersweet waves. For seven decades,...

First Louisiana Early Ed Week a Great Success

Over sixty people attended Louisiana’s first-ever Early Ed Week, held January 29 to February 2 across the state. Early Ed Week is a focused campaign for business leaders and legislators to highlight the need to increase access to high quality early care and...

Wishing Sheriff Newell Normand a Great Future and Giving Our Thanks

 The retirement of Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand and the legacy that he and the late Sheriff Harry Lee have left behind serves to emphasize the absolute importance public safety is to any community.  Quality of life suffers and economic vitality is...