Jefferson Now
Jefferson Parish’s residents are the lifeblood of our Parish. How residents rate Jefferson Parish as a place to live, work and raise a family provides valuable information to guide the future vision of our Parish. JEFFERSON NOW aims to help our political, civic and business leaders create this vision by tracking the quality of life in Jefferson Parish. Through a recent survey, JEFFERSON NOW offers objective insights into our Parish’s strengths and challenges.
It is the intent of the sponsoring organizations that this original Quality of Life survey serve as a baseline from which future surveys can be compared and our progress on issues important to residents can be measured. The sponsoring organizations intend to work with elected officials and civic groups to address the challenges to our quality of life. This booklet highlights some of the most important information captured in the survey.
Residents rate the quality of life in Jefferson Parish excellent or good.
Residents rate the quality of life in their neighborhood excellent or good.
Residents believe the quality of life in Jefferson Parish will improve over the next several years and only 15% expect it to be worse.
Residents rate Jefferson Parish excellent or good as a place to retire.
Residents rate Jefferson Parish excellent or good as a place to own a business.
Residents 18-44 years old rate Jefferson Parish excellent or good as a place to raise a young family.
Residents rate the Jefferson Parish local economy as excellent or good. That’s much better than the 28% of Americans nationwide that rate the national economy excellent or good.
Eight times as many Jefferson Parish residents say their parish’s economy is better, rather than worse, than local economies in other parts of Louisiana.
Three times as many Jefferson Parish residents say their parish government spends tax dollars better, rather than worse, than local governments in other parts of Louisiana.
A majority of local residents say they’re getting their money’s worth in terms of the local taxes they pay in Jefferson Parish.
A solid 57% majority of Jefferson Parish residents support more tax incentives for businesses and industries to create jobs. Fewer than one-third disagree. Strongest support from residents 18-44-years-old (62%).
Issues on which local government agencies receive 50% or higher job approval
Garbage pick-up and disposal 78%
Levee and flood protection 73%
Public safety and crime control 69%
Drainage 66%
Parks, playgrounds and recreational facilities 66%
Local healthcare 63%
Physical appearance of public spaces and highway corridors 56%
Streets, roads and bridges 52%
Water and air quality 52%
Litter in public places 51%
Issues on which local government agencies receive less than 50% job approval
Traffic congestion 48%
Walking paths and bike trails 48%
Enforcement of building codes 47%
Planning for future growth, development 46%
Community planning and industrial zoning 42%
Homelessness 40%
Railroad tracks that slow down traffic 40%
Attracting new jobs and businesses 39%
Childcare and early childhood education 39%
Quality of public schools 37%
Affordable housing, middle class residents 29%
Juvenile services 27%
Affordable housing, lower income residents 18%
The Jefferson Business Council (JBC), Jefferson Parish Economic Development Council (JEDCO), the Jefferson Chamber and the Jefferson Community Foundation plan to address the following challenges together.
Details and a timeline are forthcoming.
JEFFERSON NOW is a joint endeavor led by the Jefferson Business Council in collaboration with the Jefferson Chamber, Jefferson Parish Economic Development Commission (JEDCO) and the Jefferson Community Foundation.