Jefferson Parish Schools had the largest growth in Louisiana on Advanced Placement (AP) exams. No Louisiana system exceeded Jefferson Parish’s 11.1% growth.

“This is another example of our momentum in Jefferson Parish Schools,” said JP Schools Superintendent Dr. Cade Brumley. “I’m thankful to our schools for their willingness to provide students access to more rigorous academic offerings, and am not surprised that our students rose to the challenge.”

The number of students who earned a score of 3 or better on an AP exam grew from 454 in 2017-18 to 502 in 2018-19. Students who score a 3 or higher on their AP exam are eligible for college credit at all Louisiana higher education institutions.

Jefferson Parish students also had the state’s second largest gains for the number of AP tests taken with a score of 3 or higher. Students are eligible to take multiple AP tests. JP Schools saw a growth of 10.9% – from 644 tests with a 3 or higher in 2017-18 to 720 in 2018-19.

JP Schools saw growth with almost every subgroup, including students with disabilities, English language learners, and minority students.

Advanced Placement courses available in JP Schools include: American Government, American History, Art History, Biology, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Computer Science Principles, English III, English IV, Environmental Science, Government and Politics, European History, Human Geography, Music Theory, Physics, Probability and Statistics, Psychology, Seminar, Spanish Language and Culture, US History, and World History.

Evangeline Parish also earned 11.1% growth on AP exams with 18 students earning a 3 or higher in 2018-19.

One of the actions outlined in the district’s strategic plan, ​2024: The Future Our Kids Deserve,​ is to provide academic enrichment opportunities for high school students. The district has set a goal of 10,000 hours of eligible college credits earned by 2024. This significant advancement will move the system closer to this goal.


About Jefferson Parish Schools:​ Jefferson Parish Schools is the largest and most diverse public school system in Louisiana and the 98th largest in the nation. Our system of 82 schools serves around 50,000 students on both banks of the Mississippi River. With approximately 7,000 employees, JP Schools is one of the largest employers in Jefferson Parish. Our district exists to provide the education our students deserve to succeed in life and make our world a better place. ​Click here to read our strategic plan, ​2024: The Future Our Kids Deserve.​

Ted Beasley

Director of Communications
Jefferson Parish Schools
501 Manhattan Blvd | Harvey, LA 70058 O: 504-365-5321 | C: 504-439-3651