Jefferson Now
Overview of Findings
Quality of life
75% of parish residents surveyed rate the quality of life in Jefferson Parish “excellent” or “good.”
80% of whites, 66% of nonwhites, 68% of 18-44-year-olds, 74% of 45-64-year-olds, 86% of those 65 and older, 68% with incomes above $100k, 65% of college grads, 79% of the East Bank and 69% of the West Bank rate the quality life in the parish excellent or good.
Approval Ratings
People who rate the quality of life is excellent or good
- Whites 80% 80%
- Nonwhites 66% 66%
- 18-44-year-olds 68% 68%
- 45-64-year-olds 84% 84%
- 65 and older 86% 86%
- Incomes above $100k 68% 68%
- College grads 65% 65%
- East Bank 79% 79%
- West Bank 69% 69%
Looking back
Slightly more residents think the quality of life in Jefferson Parish in the past several years has “improved” (26%) than those who think it has “gotten worse” (24%). However, nearly half think it’s “stayed the same” (49%).
Looking at it from the most positive perspective: 75% say it has either “improved” or “stayed the same.”
25% of whites, 27% of nonwhites, 29% of 18-44-year-olds, 23% of 45-64-year-olds, 26% of those 65 and older, 28% of the East Bank and 24% of the West Bank think the quality of life in the parish in recent years has “improved.”
Approval Ratings
People who think life has improved
- Whites 25% 25%
- Nonwhites 27% 27%
- 18-44-year-olds 29% 29%
- 45-64-year-olds 23% 23%
- 65 and older 26% 26%
- East Bank 28% 28%
- West Bank 24% 24%
Looking ahead
60% of residents expect the quality of life in Jefferson Parish to be better over the next several years.
52% of whites, 70% of nonwhites, 63% of 18-44-year-olds, 55% of 45-64-year-olds, 61% of those 65 and older, 60% of the East Bank and 60% of the West Bank expect the quality of life in Jefferson Parish to be better.
Approval Ratings
People who think life will be better over the next several years
- Whites 52% 52%
- Nonwhites 70% 70%
- 18-44-year-olds 63% 63%
- 45-64-year-olds 55% 55%
- 65 and older 61% 61%
- East Bank 60% 60%
- West Bank 60% 60%
In summary, a majority of parish residents are optimistic about the parish’s future, and that’s a healthy sign. Those who are not so optimistic need further evaluation
Your neighborhood
81% of residents rate the quality of life in their neighborhood excellent or good.
84% of whites, 79% of nonwhites, 79% of 18-44-year-olds, 81% of 45-64-year-olds, 87% of those 65 and older, 83% of the East Bank and 80% of the West Bank rate the quality of life in their neighborhood positively.
Approval Ratings
People who think life in their neighborhood is excellent or good
- Whites 84% 84%
- Nonwhites 79% 79%
- 18-44-year-olds 79% 79%
- 45-64-year-olds 81% 81%
- 65 and older 87% 87%
- East Bank 83% 83%
- West Bank 80% 80%
More residents think the quality of life in their neighborhood in recent years has “improved” (24%) than those who think it has “gotten worse” (19%). However, a 56% majority think it’s “stayed the same.”
- Improved 24% 24%
- Gotten Worse 19% 19%
- Stayed the Same 56% 56%
48% of residents expect the quality of life in their neighborhood to be better over the next several years; 10% say “worse.”
Parish government
The Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office has the highest positive rating (81%) followed by the Parish Council (60%), the District Attorney’s Office (57%) and the School Board (46%).
Approval Ratings
- Jefferson Parish Sheriff’s Office 81% 81%
- Parish Council 60% 60%
- District Attorney’s Office 57% 57%
- School Board 46% 46%
A place to raise young families
69% of 18-44-year-olds rate Jefferson Parish excellent or good as a place to raise young families. To make the parish more attractive to young people, 18-44-year-olds name a stronger local economy with prospects for career advancement (25%), better schools and child care (24%) and more recreational and healthy living opportunities (16%) as the top three improvements needed.
Top Improvements Needed
To make the parish more attractive to young people, 18-44-year-olds
- Stronger local economy with prospects for career advancement 25% 25%
- Better schools and child care 24% 24%
- More recreational and healthy living opportunities 16% 16%
A place to retire
62% of all parish residents surveyed rate Jefferson Parish excellent or good as a place to retire.
54% of 18-44-year-olds, 59% of 45-64-year-olds and 80% of those 65+ have positive feelings about Jefferson Parish as a place to retire.
Note that most residents who have yet to retire (18-64-year-olds) have the lowest opinion of the parish as a place to do so (54%, 59%); this needs work.
Good Place to Retire
People who think the parish is an excellent or good as a place to retire.
- 18-44-year-olds 54% 54%
- 45-64-year-olds 59% 59%
- 65 and older 80% 80%
A place to own a business
64% of parish residents surveyed rate Jefferson Parish excellent or good as a place to own a business.
66% of whites, 62% of nonwhites, 62% of 18-44-year-olds, 68% with incomes above $100k, 65% of college grads, 67% of the East Bank and 61% of the West Bank have positive feelings for the parish as a place to own a business. Those with the lowest incomes (under $40k) have the least positive feelings (57%).
People who think the parish is a good place to own a business
- Whites 66% 66%
- Nonwhites 62% 62%
- 18-44-year-olds 62% 62%
- With incomes above $100k 68% 68%
- With incomes under $40k 57% 57%
- College grads 65% 65%
- East Bank 83% 83%
- West Bank 80% 80%
Economic development
In terms of bringing more jobs and businesses into Jefferson Parish, technology and manufacturing jobs are the most wanted (each receiving 19%). They are followed by healthcare jobs (14%), green energy jobs (9%), hotel and restaurant jobs (8%), artistic and creative jobs (5%), retail jobs (4%) and banking and finance jobs. A substantial 17% volunteer that they want “all of the above” and only 1% say “none of the above.”
Most Wanted Jobs
- Technology jobs 19% 19%
- Manufacturing jobs 19% 19%
- Healthcare jobs 14% 14%
- Green energy jobs 9% 9%
- Hotel and restaurant jobs 8% 8%
- Artistic and creative jobs 5% 5%
- Retail jobs 4% 4%
- All of the above 17% 17%
Among 18-44-year-olds, a key indicator of the parish’s future, 21% want technology jobs, 15% want manufacturing jobs, 15% want healthcare jobs, 10% want hotel and restaurant jobs, 9% want green energy jobs and 8% want artistic and creative jobs.
College grads and residents with incomes above $100k pick technology jobs. (25%).
Manufacturing jobs is highest among men (25%), 45-64-year-olds (24%) and those with incomes under $40k (27%).
Healthcare jobs is highest among women (20%), nonwhites (19%) and those with incomes under $40k (19%).
The desire for artistic and creative jobs is highest among 18-44-year-olds (8%).
The desire for green energy jobs is highest among the East Bank (11%). And those with incomes over $100k.
Local economy
62% rate the local economy excellent or good.
Nearly eight times as many residents say Jefferson Parish’s economy is better than local economies in other parts of Louisiana versus those who say it’s worse (54% vs. 7%). That’s a vote of confidence for the relative strength of the parish economy.
59% of whites, 46% of nonwhites, 51% of 18-44-year-olds, 52% of 45-64-year-olds, 61% of those 65 and older, 58% of the East Bank and 49% of the West Bank say the Jefferson Parish economy is better than local economies in other parts of Louisiana.
Approval Ratings
People who
say the Jefferson Parish economy is better than local economies in other parts of Louisiana
- Whites 59% 59%
- Nonwhites 46% 46%
- 18-44-year-olds 51% 51%
- 45-64-year-olds 52% 52%
- 65 and older 61% 61%
- East Bank 58% 58%
- West Bank 49% 49%
Tax incentives
A solid 57% majority of Jefferson Parish residents favor giving more tax incentives to businesses and industries to create more jobs. Fewer than one-third disagree.
56% of whites, 59% of nonwhites, 62% of 18-44-year-olds, 60% of 45-64-year-olds, 47% of those 65 and older, 56% of the East Bank and 58% of the West Bank favor more tax incentives for businesses and industries.
Favor Tax Incentives
People who favor tax incentives for businesses and industries
- Whites 56% 56%
- Nonwhites 59% 59%
- 18-44-year-olds 62% 62%
- 45-64-year-olds 60% 60%
- 65 and older 47% 47%
- East Bank 56% 56%
- West Bank 58% 58%
Spending of tax dollars
More than three times as many local residents say the Jefferson Parish government spends tax dollars better than local governments in other parts of Louisiana (35% vs. 11%); 44% say it’s the same.
38% of whites, 32% of nonwhites, 31% of 18-44-year-olds, 43% of 45-64-year-olds, 34% of those 65 and older, 39% of the East Bank and 30% of the West Bank say Jefferson Parish spends tax dollars better than the rest of the state.
Tax Spending
People who say the parish spends tax dollars better than other local governments in Louisiana
- Whites 38% 38%
- Nonwhites 32% 32%
- 18-44-year-olds 31% 31%
- 45-64-year-olds 43% 43%
- 65 and older 34% 34%
- East Bank 39% 39%
- West Bank 30% 30%
Getting your money’s worth from parish government
A 53% majority of local residents say they’re getting their money’s worth in terms of the local taxes they pay; 42% say they’re not getting their money’s worth.
54% of Whites, 51% of nonwhites, 50% of 18-44-year-olds, 56% of 45-64-year-olds, 55% of those 65 and older, 53% of the East Bank and 52% of the West Bank say they’re getting their money’s worth from Jefferson Parish government.
Note that none of these demographic groups dipped below 50%.
Getting Moneys’ Worth
People who say they are getting their money’s worth in local taxes and pay
- Whites 54% 54%
- Nonwhites 51% 51%
- 18-44-year-olds 50% 50%
- 45-64-year-olds 56% 56%
- 65 and older 55% 55%
- East Bank 53% 53%
- West Bank 52% 52%
Spending priorities
When asked which one of the following would be their top funding priority should Jefferson Parish government have additional money to spend, the following were selected: More police protection 32%, better street and highway maintenance 18%, marketing the parish to attract new businesses and jobs 15%, improved drainage 10%, beautification and cleaning up litter 8%.
Police Protection
34% of whites, 30% of nonwhites, 26% of 18-44-year-olds, 39% of 45-64-year-olds, 36% of those 65 and older, 31% of the East Bank and 35% of the West Bank say police protection is their top priority among those issues provided.
- Whites 34% 34%
- Nonwhites 30% 30%
- 18-44-year-olds 26% 26%
- 45-64-year-olds 39% 39%
- 65 and older 36% 36%
- East Bank 53% 53%
- West Bank 52% 52%
Street and Highway Maintenance
18% of whites, 18% of nonwhites, 23% of 18-44-year-olds, 14% of 45-64-year-olds, 13% of those 65 and older, 19% of the East Bank and 17% of the West Bank say better street and highway maintenance.
- Whites 18% 18%
- Nonwhites 18% 18%
- 18-44-year-olds 23% 23%
- 45-64-year-olds 14% 14%
- 65 and older 13% 13%
- East Bank 19% 19%
- West Bank 17% 17%
Marketing to Attract Business and Jobs
12% of whites, 20% of nonwhites, 21% of 18-44-year-olds, 13% of 45-64-year-olds, 9% of those 65 and older, 15% of the East Bank and 16% of the West Bank say marketing the parish to attract new businesses and jobs.
- Whites 12% 12%
- Nonwhites 20% 20%
- 18-44-year-olds 21% 21%
- 45-64-year-olds 13% 13%
- 65 and older 9% 9%
- East Bank 15% 15%
- West Bank 16% 16%
Stay or leave
More than two-thirds (68%) of Jefferson Parish residents say they intend to stay in the parish over the next five years—but a substantial 26% say they don’t intend to stay and another 5% don’t know.
73% of whites, 62% of nonwhites, 61% of 18-44-year-olds, 68% of 45-64-year-olds, 80% of those 65 and older, 71% of the East Bank and 65% of the West Bank intend to stay.
The lower the age, the higher the inclination to leave the parish. The fact that 35% of residents 18-44-years-old say they will leave the parish over the next five years is a serious issue for the future. Government leaders, as well as civic and business groups, must focus on this situation.
People who say they intend to stay
- Whites 73% 73%
- Nonwhites 62% 62%
- 18-44-year-olds 61% 61%
- 45-64-year-olds 68% 68%
- 65 and older 80% 80%
- East Bank 71% 71%
- West Bank 65% 65%